Mike Cunsolo

Life and Other Things
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Taking on all kids of subjects, one post at a time.

I’ve found it’s best to write about anything (or everything) rather than focus on one thing. So, excuse me if this blog is a bit scattered. I welcome your comments, I welcome your readership and hope, in some small way, that I can help you or inform you. 

Recent Posts

Using AI to Write Content

Using AI to Write Content

In recent years Ai has been taking leaps forward. Recently, some have suggested that Ai is sentient and will come back to haunt us. Now there stands to be some argument here (not to mention swirling thoughts of Terminator and Black Mirror-esqe scenarios). I have just dipped my toes into the AI world to see all the excitement.



There are so many things to love about Ghana. The people, weather, food, and all-around laid-back feel are unmatched around the world. We've experienced so much over the last 10 years that it's a wonder I have not mentioned the TroTros before. I love TroTros (while I...

On Feeling Old

On Feeling Old

Well, not really feeling old but definitely not feeling young. Over that last couple of years, my energy has dropped a lot and I have found myself feeling rather sluggish. Part of this was due to stress in life and part of it was just not following through on a good...